physical computing

a blog by sam heckle class of itp 2022. doing shit. twitter.

Project 3

December 08, 2020

Project 3 Original Goals Original goals for this upgraded version: ❌ upgraded housing with etch-a-sketch using a circular dremel saw…

Project 3 Idea

November 24, 2020

Project 3 Idea For my third and final project I will continue work on my game controller etch-a-sketch from project 2. Goals for this…

Week 10 Lab

November 17, 2020

Lab: Transistor and relay lab lab 1 After setting up my pentiometer I realized that I do not have a DC power adaptor or a DC motor in my…

Project 2

November 09, 2020

Project 2 New Concepts: Rotary Encoder I was looking around for rotary encoder tutorials for using one as a part of my etch a sketch. This…

Project 2 Idea

October 27, 2020

Project 2 Idea The story I want to tell is playing with how intuitive technology can be, and having two different tactile experiences that…

Week 7 Lab

October 27, 2020

Two-Way (Duplex) Serial Communication Using An Arduino and P5.js lab This lab was pretty simple to follow but I ran into small errors…

Week 6 Labs

October 18, 2020

Getting On Board Accelerometer It took me a bit to get the on board accelerometer to work. I tried following the first library, and was…

Project 1

October 06, 2020

Project 1 A big issue I ran into this project was waiting for parts to arrive. I ran with the suggestion to acquire neopixels to make a grid…

Project 1 Idea

September 29, 2020

Project 1 Idea I think I am going to try an attempt an LED etch-a-sketch.

Week 4 Lab

September 27, 2020

This is a blog post in a response to the fourth week assignment. Tone Output Using An Arduino Lab 1 Connecting the Sensors and the Speaker…

Week 3 Lab

September 20, 2020

This is a blog post in a response to the third week assignment. Analog Output and Input Lab 1 was all about setting the stage for analog…

Week 1 Lab

September 07, 2020

This is a blog post in a response to the first week assignment. First Lab In regards to the first lab, there isn’t to much to say for me. I…

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