fridge notes

Text to Speech

April 21, 2021

following this tutorial

but I ended up needing to look up the documentation for the say library

First Tests

My first test I received an error because I don’t think the voices work in OS Big Sur.

say -v "Cellos" "Lalalalalalalalala" -o recording.aiff
Voice `Cellos' not found.

But after removing the voice flag I was able to get the following output.

say "Lalalalalalalalala" -o recording.aiff


Here I messed with the rate of the words:


Using Large Files

I ended up putting the Our Father prayer into a text file (that is 666 lines long). You can look at the file here

Here I amped up the speed and added a progress bar for an added effect.

a blog by sam heckle class of itp 2022. doing shit. twitter.