fridge notes

a generated narrative device

January 30, 2022

link to code

Premise — Two Sentence Horror

On reddit there exists a subreddit called Two Sentence Horror that takes in a title and a body to create a short story that is within two sentences. Basically what I did was create a horror generator that separates these basic parts to create a new story.

Some Outputs

“Dad…,the man that’s been standing outside my window is gone,” I whispered shakily into the phone.

I squeezed my eyes shut and told myself it was all in my head, but the slimy footprints staining the carpet the next morning made it clear I would never be allowed to forget what I’ve done.

As I was falling asleep, my girlfriend asked if she could be blunt with me, and groggily I said “Yes.”

The other thing I’ve learned is that it’s super hard to hold a cat down with one hand while holding a melonballer in the other.

I tightened my legs around him, letting out a shudder of delight, and gazed deeply into his eyes as I brought my mouth down to his.

“She’s my half-sister now” I said as I dropped my axe

Using the Reddit API

I created this in JavaScript using a Node.js backend. Specifically the tools I used were this integration of snoowrap which allows me to use a JS port of the python based api.

From there, I had to create an authorization token to allow the REST requests to go through using the reddit dev app console

I created my own environment file to host these variables. Then I got to work using the call and parsing the data returned from the “hot” posts on the particular subreddit I wanted. This will be continuously updated if I choose eventually to host this somewhere.

a blog by sam heckle class of itp 2022. doing shit. twitter.