fridge notes

Bedside Bartender: An Adult Nightlight

November 11, 2021

our final product, an adult nightlight that tells you generated bedtime stories so that you don't have to go to a bar yourself
our final product, an adult nightlight that tells you generated bedtime stories so that you don't have to go to a bar yourself

From A Concept

After a tumultuous ideation process, Philip and I have finally created a product we are proud of. Our initial idea was to create a solitary drinking experience, which then evolved into a multi-person drinking experience. We wanted to enhance the intimacy of being in a bar, which is already an inherently intimate setting. The problem we kept running into was trying to gamify it, which does not necessarily imply an absurd design. We focused too much on the way to achieve the feeling of being connected with another person.


If we flipped that idea around, what if we removed the other person from the picture?

What if we removed the whole bar from a design intended to augment the bar experience?

What if we brought the bar experience to you?

What if you didn’t want to go out, but still felt obligated to tell your friends you did?

So, how can we create the bar experience from your own bed?


The Adult NightLight™️

Side Front


Generated Stories

The first part of the software process was generating the stories, which means finding a corpus. Reddit is a great place to find user submitted stories, and I ended up using the snoowrap api.

From there, it was a matter of picking the thread (which ended up being pulled from r/AskReddit) and pulling the top level comments. We pulled about 500 separate stories to use as our corpus for our generation script.

After that, we used a markov chain (to see what these do, check out the wiki page), and this specific javascript library implementation.

final generation code


Processing was a bit more difficult than the story generation. We started with the animation

final processing code

Previous iteration blog posts for this project:

first ideation second ideation

a blog by sam heckle class of itp 2022. doing shit. twitter.